Diamond Effect - Success Strategies for Service Businesses

MM 149 - 3 Tips to Improve Your Quoting so More Clients Buy Your Services

Maggie Perotin

Imagine that in three hours you have a meeting with a potential client to discuss your services proposal. Yet you’re still going back and forth on your pricing. 

You’re trying to gauge what clients “can afford” as you don’t want to lose them. But at the same time, you don’t want to go too low and feel like you’ll be working for free if they accept. 

This is not the first time this situation has happened. Every time you have a potential client with a larger more custom request, you go through this vicious circle. 

  • You talk to the client and understand the request. 
  • You work on the quote for a long time and it takes you till the final hour to decide on the price.
  • As you do it you question the value of your services and lose the belief that the client will see it and still want it once you price them fairly. 
  • You send the quote or present the proposal with anxious thoughts swirling in your head and at best close 30% of those clients. 

Your inability to confidently set prices that accurately reflect the value you provide is finally getting on your nerves. You know you’re missing out on so many exciting and well-paid projects because of that. Yet you don’t know how to change this cycle. 

In today's Maggie's Moment, I talk about 3 things you can do to change this cycle.

  1. During your initial call or visit with the client, ensure you collect all the information you need to confidently price the client's request. That includes not only what they want done but also why. 
  2. Establish a quoting framework for your most common projects/ types of services that can guide you as a foundation even with every custom request. 
  3. Before presenting the proposal to your client, sell yourself on the value of your services to them. Be clear on how you’re meeting and exceeding their needs and wants.

When you coach with me 1 on 1, I help you work through those 3 steps simply and easily. With my T.O.P CEO Continuous Success Recipe, we transform your current quoting practices into a repeatable and streamlined process you’ll use going forward. 

The process will save loads of time. It will help you show up confidently to the proposal meetings knowing exactly why your clients should choose you over the competition, even if your prices are higher. You'll also end up securing more projects and making more money. This is how I can help you double your business without adding more work to your schedule. 

Spending time working on creative and fun projects is way better than dwelling on preparing quotes that don't close and then being frustrated with the whole process.

You know it’s high time to resolve your quoting issues. Your ability to maximize revenue and grow your business hinges on getting it right.
Book a sales call with me here now and let’s start working on it - https://calendly.com/maggie-s2l/discovery-call

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