Diamond Effect - Strategies to Scale Your Service Business as a Sellable Asset

EP # 181 - 5 Marketing Lessons from 2024 That Will Supercharge Your 2025 Goals

Maggie Perotin Episode 181

In this final full episode of 2024, discover how to transform your marketing lessons from the past year into powerful strategies for 2025!

Key Highlights:

  • The 5 crucial marketing lessons from 2024 that can shape your 2025 success
  • How to strategically implement the 20-40-40 formula in your social media
  • Personal branding evolution and authenticity in business
  • Building a stronger email community and exclusive value
  • Leveraging social media analytics for better engagement
  • Strategic partnerships for business growth

Resources Mentioned:

Special Announcement: Catch Maggie on the upcoming TV show "Legacy Makers" on Roku TV and Apple TV in 2025! 

Download these Free Resources and join Maggie's e-mail List!

Connect with Maggie:
Instagram: @maggie.perotin.s2l
LinkedIn: Maggie Perotin

Hello, hello, dear listeners, welcome to the last Diamond Effect podcast episode of 2024 on December 27th, which is also my mom's birthday. I wish her happy birthday here and of course, I'll reach out to her on Friday when it's her birthday to wish her all the best. One of the most popular episodes in the entire 2024 was actually episode from January 5th, number 130 on how to achieve your goals. in 2024. So I thought it would be just perfect to finish the year also talking about the goals, but in 2025. Now, of course, I didn't want to make the whole same episode. If you're thinking about setting goals in 2025 and you want to know, how am I going to achieve them? Go back to that episode from January 5th and listen to it with them. perspective of your 2025 goals. What I teach there is universal. You can use it over and over every year. But I wanted to give you something extra and add to that episode to make your goal achievement in 2025 even easier. Every year I take my clients through goal setting process, but also planning for how they're going to achieve those goals. It's a proven process that I use for my business, my clients use, and of course, every time I make it a little bit better. So today's episode is a part of that process. And specifically learning from The lessons of the previous year. In this case, learning from the lessons from 2024 and implementing them and improving on things you want to do in 2025 in order to achieve your goals. Now, this is only part of the entire process, but it will help you make your plans better and hopefully goal achievement easier. The way I want to talk about it today is in very practical terms, by showing you how I apply this process to my business and specifically to my marketing, because when I teach my clients in the way I do it when I plan, I look at my business holistically. I look at my marketing and my sales. I look at client service delivery, the backend operations, finances, even in my personal life. I look at my work life balance and other things personally that I want to do. And I create a comprehensive plan. Now we don't have time here to go over everything. I thought the most relevant for you would be marketing. Today I'm going to share five lessons from 2024 in my own marketing and how am I taking them and applying them for 2025 five, as far as my marketing progress goals are. Progress goals are the goals that you set to see the progress of you achieving the main goal in 2025. Now, before we get into it, I do want to share one personal story because I think I turned a corner with that particular goal of mine. And that's around me adding exercise to my day to day activities to stay even more active and more fit. Those of you who might listen to the podcast more than just this episode, I've started doing wall Pilates at home and it's been an over a year journey. I just want to say that I turned the corner with it. I went from Not really wanting to do it, then doing it, but complaining about doing it, not liking the whole thing. And then sort of accepting it that, okay, well, if I want to be healthy, if I want to stay fit, this is what I got to do. To now actually enjoying the process. So yay to me, and I'm going to celebrate this. And I wanted to tell you that when you're doing something that you know it's good for you, if you stick with it long enough, even if you're not perfectly consistent, if you're not perfect in execution, eventually you'll get it. Not all Only get it and do it, but also enjoy it. Okay. Back to business and back to my five lessons. Lesson number one. In 2024, I've gotten much clearer on my ideal clients and different avatars of those clients, especially for my one on one coaching. What is avatar? It's really a persona of a client when you really get clear on who they are. What's going on in their business or life, depending on where you help them, what kind of problems they have and challenges. How you can help them. Getting really, really specific on them that goes beyond on their just social demographics. In my one on one coaching, I have five client avatars. That's determined mostly by what stage of growth their business is. Because That stage usually determines the challenges they have. However, they have some common traits that I wanted to share here. They're very passionate about what they do. They're visionaries. They have a vision for their business long term and how many people they want to help, and they want to ultimately build something bigger than themselves. They want to build a legacy. They're really determined to pursue it. They can be very focused. They know what they want. They also know that they need help with some of the things. I love working with those clients. And I'm attracting those clients. So, getting clearer was a really good work that I've done this year. As I was working through it I was coming up with ideas for marketing content. And as I had those ideas, I was creating the content, whether it was in an email format, a post or in video, I was creating it and just posting it as it went. And that was okay, but in 2025 I want to do better. And my lesson from it is that now that I know those avatars, I can organize how I post and how I create marketing content more strategically with more intention on. While still applying my 20 40 40 formula, especially in social media posts and make my marketing so much more impactful this way. Now 20 40 40 formula, I shared it in episode 178 from December 5th titled Best Practices for Social Media for Service Based Businesses. So if you want to learn from it and apply it to your social media marketing, go ahead, listen to the podcast. Take away all the value and goodies in there and apply it in your own business. What you will see in my social media, if you follow me, especially on Instagram and LinkedIn, it will be more strategic. There will be more thought put into it, what I post, when and to whom I'm speaking, when even better than in 2024. And it's because I've done the core work that I needed to do in getting clear on some things. I've practiced it and tested it in my marketing in 2024 and I know it resonates and it's working. Now I can take it to the next level to organize it better, be more strategic about it. Just up level it. That leads me to lesson number two. Part of the 2040 40 formula is personal branding. And while The way I show up in my marketing is aligned with my values. That are simplicity, excellence, and courage. And also aligned with how I want people to feel when they interact with me. How my clients actually feel when they experience my coaching, I still can do better work. So one of the works that I've done in 2024 is getting clear on my brands. Getting even clearer by doing some surveys with my clients. How do they think about me? How do they experience me? Out of that research I narrowed down three adjectives that describe me the most. There was many more, but I wanted to narrow it down to three that I think at least two definitely show up in my marketing, maybe not so much the third one. And that's where some of my growth is. the Three adjectives is I'm an expert. I have a lot of experience and a lot of wisdom to offer to my clients and my clients appreciate and value that. And it's definitely my comfort zone. So I believe a lot of it shows in my marketing through the teachings, this podcast. The second part is I'm very supportive and very inspiring. I believe in my clients probably more than I believe in myself. I see them for their best potential and I can bring that belief and help them build their own belief. Help them not get boggled down by the challenges and just pull them out when they need that pull out because they're struggling with something. And my clients appreciate it so much. I think it shows up in my marketing, especially in my email list. If you're in my email list, you probably are feeling that when you read the emails. Then the third objective is I'm fun. We actually have A lot of laughs and fun during coaching sessions, and I'm also light hearted In a good way. It doesn't mean that I undermine certain things that are important but we don't take ourselves so seriously. We have a lot of fun because I really believe life is too short not to have fun and business is fun. However, I don't think it comes out as much in my social media and my personal branding. Not because I'm not authentic and I don't want that to come through, but I think I don't do enough of sharing my personal stories and doing other things that would allow me for more fun to come out. Another thing I think, because I'm an and being in front of camera, It feels different where you're talking to people, but you don't really see them. You don't read their body language and how they react. Unlike when I'm actually on a coaching call with a client, when I have a real person in front of me and we exchange the energy and we can see each other. When you're talking in to a mic or to a camera, you don't have that. So at least for me, it's so much harder to be fun. So you kind of default to not doing it. I love to watch comedy and stand up comedians. And even if you think about shows like Saturday night live or the daily show, when they shoot that show, they actually have live audience on the set. I think a big part of it is that when the comedian act they can see How the audience reacts and get that feedback From them. And then therefore be even funnier. As opposed to they were just talking to the camera Pretending there's people in there. Of course stand up comedians they have a whole audience. So it's a little bit like that when you don't have that feedback. It's kind of makes it harder to be funny anyhow, I As a level up for me, for my personal brand, I want to share more of my personal stories. And it is part of the system. The 20-40-40 20 stands for more personal stories to create that personal brand. I love that system because if I didn't have it and if I didn't have a plan to implement it, then it would be harder for me to do it because my brain will gravitate to something that's more comfortable, which is teaching. And as you know, I do a lot of teaching. So trying to Sprinkle in my personal stories without a plan and a system for me makes it harder and in this way I don't share as much. For 2025 I have a plan, it's part of the system, so you will see definitely more of my personal stories shared through that. Which I'm excited about for you and for me. Then the big lesson from 2024 was that indeed, I need to focus even more on building my personal brand and up leveling it from where it is right now. One of the things that I've done that I'm sharing with you, you're the first to know. I actually got accepted and casted to a show called Legacy Makers. It's a entrepreneur show that will feature entrepreneurs like me, relatively small, not known, but also some big names sharing their story and sharing that you can create legacy, even when you don't have a big business and you're not a big influencer. It's a show that will have multiple episodes and I think multiple seasons. I'm in season one. It will be running in spring or summer, I'm not sure yet, on Roku TV and Apple TV. Those are two streaming platforms that are confirmed right now. I can't share any other details as to what big names will be there or any other streaming platforms, but this is what I can share. I applied back in November or October. I had a casting call. I got accepted and early January I'm actually flying to Miami to do the main shooting. You'll definitely see more of video content from that shooting and all the behind the scenes of this show on my Instagram. So if you want to follow me on that journey from casting to filming, to like the whole episode, follow me on Instagram, maggie. perotin. s2l. It's very exciting and scary at the same time. But I like to push myself out of the comfort zone and definitely 2025, it's a big year for that for me. I've done a bit of it in 2024, but. 2025 is taking that to the next level. And that's because I have this progress goal of elevating my brand and really pushing myself to create something bigger and better than what I have right now. Lesson number three, is around my email list. I've had my email list for over three years. I'm emailing my list very regularly. At least a couple of times a week, sometimes more. It depends if I'm launching something or not, or promoting something and people who've been there with me for some time, they love it. They love the emails because, a lot of that inspiration and supportive part of me is coming out into this email. I know from some of them who are on, on that email list that they have Separate folders in their inbox for my emails, so the ones that resonate with them, the emails that I send that really touch them, they put them away so they can go back to them and read them. So if you're not on my email list right now and you're listening to it, join. Especially that I'm going to make it even more special in 2025 and I will tell you in a second how. But I'm going to share some of the resources in the show notes where if you join my email list, you'll get some amazing resources. You can sign up for all of them or just whichever one resonates with you. There will be some for marketing, some for time management, and some for having some great conversations, especially when you network and you're introverted. Go to the show notes, check out the resources and sign up for my email list. So learning from my analytics of the email list and how my people interact with it and what do I want it to be, I decided to create even more tight community this way. I've been toying with that idea. How can I create more of a close knit community with people who want to interact with me on a deeper level than just following me on social media. And I've been thinking, Oh, should I create a Facebook group again or some other group? But since I'm a big proponent of doing something that's already working better, And more, with less time, and that's what I teach my clients as well, rather than just adding things to a to do list, I took my own advice and I decided to make my email list the community that I want it to be. So when you join my email in 2025, I will be sharing extra tips and extra value through email. That you will not be getting if you just follow me on social media. And even if you just listen to this podcast, I know it's hard to believe. I know this podcast is super valuable, but there will be some extra things through email that I promise to deliver. Another thing is that I will create sometimes some special offers only to my email list. So backdoor offers. I have my main offers is one on one coaching and my diamond effect group, but I might have some special things just for the email list. And even within the current offers, I might have some special things like, for example, I'm planning to launch couple of times a year, my diamond effect group. And I will talk about it in the fourth lesson. But I might offer special bonuses to my email list for that group. So if you, let's say, learn about the group. through social media and you come this way into the group, you will not have a bonus that when you join my email. I am still working through it, so I don't have all the details for you. But there will definitely be some special offers. Another thing that will be extracted through the email is I will be definitely sharing some personal details or personal stories that you won't find on social media. I am a private person and there are some things that I just don't want to share on social media. And I don't have to, I always teach that to my clients, that what you share out there, it's up to you as you build your personal brand. And my clients appreciate that approach. But I can also share a bit of extra with my email list because we're closer, we have a closer relationship; I open up more. Just like I do for my loved ones and my friends, I'm much more open than to just acquaintances. And then another thing that I want to do is to allow you to have first dibs on certain things or hear about certain things first before I announce them, let's say on social media or even here on the podcast. So these are all the amazing reasons why you want to join my list, sign up. Get some free resources and see you in the inbox. My fourth lesson is my social media, where I want to take that to the next level as well. I looked at my analytics, especially in Instagram and LinkedIn, which were really eyeopening. I highly recommend looking at your analytics, not only throughout the year, maybe once a month or once a quarter, but also have a zoom out look at the 365 days level. Because sometimes you can have a month that's not that great for whatever reason and then you might be thinking, oh this is what it's going to be like that forever because an algorithm change. Or you can project onto that one month every other result you will get from social media for the year and that's not true. And I realized that when I looked especially in my LinkedIn analytics. My Instagram hasn't grown as much but they have some great insights into what my audience likes and what type of pose they resonate with. So I want to work with Instagram still. However, On LinkedIn, when I look at my last 365 days, I realized how much I've grown on that platform. I reached over 10, 100 members of LinkedIn through my content in 2024, where I have 3, 000 followers. So three and a half times more people saw my posts. And that was 450 percent growth from the previous year, which is crazy. 450 percent. And even better, post impressions, which is in LinkedIn, the comments, the shares, the likes grew by 871 percent year over year, 871%. What a huge potential in this platform. I will be focusing in and harnessing that potential even more so in 2025. And also what I realized by looking at the type of posts that people resonated with, there are some differences between Instagram and LinkedIn for me, and they might be different for you. If you are on both of those platforms, you want to look at your insights. Another thing that I want to use those platforms for is definitely launch my Diamond Effect group. In 2024, one of the things that I haven't done is really launch my Diamond Effect group. On social media, I did some soft launches through my email list, but I Want to tell more people about the group. It's an amazing offer for those of you who are starting in your business or have a business, maybe as a side hustle; and you're still in that startup income range from 0 to about 80, 000 ish. And you get so much value, you can grow so fast with this group that I want more people to know about it. I'm definitely will be talking about it a couple of times a year, not only through my email, but also on my social media. If you are in my email, you might get some special bonuses. And I have some cool ideas of how to elevate my content, make it more fun, more entertaining, but also better quality. So look out, follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn or both to learn from me that way. The fifth marketing lesson that I want to share with you is around my strategic partnerships. I talk a lot about building strategic partnerships for your business, whether it's referral partners type of partnerships or collaboration type of partnerships, because they can really build a strong and. Additional stream of leads for you for me in my business. I think it's about 10, 15 percent of business and my progress goal for this year to achieve my main goal is to grow it to about 15, 20%. I already have some three cool projects set up for 2024 that I will share with you. As we go forward, and that's outside of the TV show Legacy Makers, three additional projects with my strategic partners. My goal is to grow those projects to maybe four and six this year. And that means building deeper relationships with some amazing individuals that. I've already had a relationship and it's been ongoing, but also some amazing people I've met only this year and institutions or organizations that I crossed paths with this year, on top of, of course, nurturing relationships with the ones that are already have. Here, the lesson was if I already have something that's working again, how can I make it better? And how can I do more of it? This is how I'm going to implement that lesson in 2025. Expand on the current strategic relationships and grow a few more. So my challenge for you is do the same. Do the learnings from 2024, the way I talked about it today. And think about how can I apply those learnings to elevate my goal achievement plan for 2025. To make it more powerful. To make it easier for myself and create more impact and results in my business. That's it for today. I wanted to wish you a happy, happy new year. If 2024 wasn't the best year for you, it's okay. Don't let your past decide your future. We can learn from the past, but it doesn't mean that if we had one bad year, it's going to be like that forever. Just let your past teach you and use those teachings To grow and get better. Have the most amazing 2025. May this year be the best one yet for all of us. Happy, Happy New Year. Talk to you in January.

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